After I won my first World Championship, the concept was floated, to write a book about everything I had done and how I got to where I was. I wasn't aware that people were genuinely interested in my story, and back in 2010, well I had another eleven years to gather even more stories.
The book never happened, though I thought about it constantly. Instead, I kept a blog that would ebb and flow with my energies and I am forever grateful that Norm created my website and nudged me in the direction of sharing my experiences with those that wanted to listen. But like most people in the world in 2020, I was in lockdown due to COVID-19 and I finally felt it was time to start writing. Funny how I still had a lot more 'shit to hit the fan' before I would get to this stage, nearly 18 months later!
As I wrote, it became apparent that I worked bloody hard and experienced a very blessed life. And life has a way of being quite balanced, there are lessons, not so good times and loads of adversity to get through, and as a result - you find the GOLD. This period of the worldwide pandemic and lockdowns, whilst not ideal for anyone, certainly forced a 'reset' for many people, including me.
And so this book came to life, of course, not without more adversity, healing and self-discovery. By the time I press go on publishing it will be just shy of Christmas 2021, I am 48, about to be a grandmother for the 2nd time and starting the fine art/visual arts course I wanted to do at 18. I have loved the experience of writing my story. I could have gone on for another 6 months perfecting it even more, but for what? There are no literary awards I am seeking. I had to allow myself to be a beginner, to learn and grow from the experience. It has been HARD! Far harder than any suffering I have endured in my racing career that's for sure! But if it was easy everyone would do it - right?
What do I hope you get from this, my book?
Simply put, it's knowing that another human exists that shared her story, all the hardships and triumphs. That she found a way to navigate her life and make it how she wanted, even amongst adversity, but also amongst success.
My story is nothing more than a life well lived and it just so happened that riding a bike helped me live it a little more full-on than the average person.
The first run of 100 personally signed books will be ready or shipment by mid-January 2022, buy your pre-ordered book here